Mirat & Tchibidad, a fantasy story (audio download)


Mirat, a trumpet lion is different to all the other lions in his clan. He isn't able to trumpet roar like all the other ones, but instead to his mom's dismay, chirrups like a bird. In another part of the world far away, Tschibidad, a Mozart bird, loves to play practical jokes on others, because when he opens his mouth he doesn't chirrup, but trumpet roar instead. Imagine how surprised Tschibidad is, when one day he learns about Mirat, the trumpet lion.

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Written and narrated by Anja Kersten. Music composed by Chelsea Edwardson. Duration 30 min. Mp3 audio file

An audio fantasy story about belonging and finding your place in the world, when you feel like an outcast. Have a listen on the Podcast:

Mirat & Tchibidad, Part 1

Mirat & Tchibidad, Part 2

Mirat & Tchibidad, Part 3

You can also head over to my Podcast Page and find all three parts there. It’s the fourth, when you scroll down.